
Well as you might have guess, that small cute girl is my daughter.  I am a single dad. Unfortunately, my marriage is not meant to be. Nevertheless, her mother and myself agreed we will do our very best for our daughter even after marriage. Hey what you looking at....  

Bunga Tanjong Movie Preview

Well the title seems to be simple but in actually fact it meant alot. I was invited to watch a movie preview of Bunga Tanjong, invitations by Abg Roy aka Director. Somehow rather, I acted in a small scene at the OLD KTM. Good Memories. A good thing that I…

Ceramic Nozzle

I came across this when one of the Reprap member was looking for hardened Steel Nozzle. HE quoted,"Wonder if anyone has experience with hardened steel nozzles? For flashforge http://www.3dxtech.com/mk10-hercules-a2-hardened-steel-nozzle-0-40mm/" Of course I heard of the ceramic nozzle... Thus this was what I got. http://3dobjectifying.blogspot.sg/2012/12/ceramic-hotend-part-1.html