A box Of Watches
Finally I got a box to keep my watches... Plus it has other goodies to keep.....
Recently I had been doing Bigo live. I recently received a Treasure box from a friend... Below are my ss...
3d Printed Rod & Katana Holder
I hated my rod to be in the mess... So I printed a holder
Wearing my Áo đầy đủ ring my festival, Ramadan
Well it is the day of the month to celebrate a new year in the Muslim calender. Since I had been in and out of Vietnam all the time, I found that the Áo dài is so pretty... It is a wedding suit but I used it as part of…
Fishing at Sembawang Park Jetty
While fishing, myself, Ain and Mooze were also planning for their wedding. Long last till Jannah. Amin (04062017)
Bigo Mode
It had been sometime ago when I start out with Fm. BIGO IS ALMOST THE SAME EXCEPT, it is more video mode. Find my Bigo at KingSetanZ. Hahaha...
CNC Milling Project 1400 x 2000 (Can be 200-1500 for X Axis while 200 – 2000 for Y Axis)
I will be mocking a CNC Milling that hold up to milling. This project is a 4 months project.
For you
missMatrix For you Farris [audio controls autoplay mp3="http://farrisharis.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/missyou.mp3"][/audio]
Dismantling a Flight Box
IT had been few days since I last dismantle the box. I didn't know it going to be hard. Well I got almost all the parts which I wanted. Now waiting to place them a side...
Pure Aluminium LongBoard Project
I will custom create my own Longboard which is not made of wood but aluminium. I will subdivide them into Stages. Stage 1 : Aluminium Base Stage 2 : Cutting, Drilling & Filing Stage 3 : Apply sticky sandpaper to top base Stage 4 : 3d Print side for Deco…